Revision Session

thecodetroll 60

This is a revised version of my CT Revision Sesh deck after taking some feedback from the reddit thread :

The basic idea is get mopus out asap. SMC / Test Run are great. if your starting hand has both SMc + Test Run, use SMC for the Mopus.

TestRun = 5c -> 2c (click testrun -3c) -> 8(6 from 3*click mopus). you then need to click(draw), click(install -5) 3c, then click mopus 2 times to end on 7 credits.

SMC = click(install SMC), click(draw), take 1c up to 6c, take 1c up to 7c. Pop SMC for mopus on corp turn start, pay 7c down to 0c, next turn click 4 times up to 8c.

both take 2 turns 1 nets an extra credit and an extra card. you can obviously click it less on the second turn if need be.

onto the meat of the deck. Box-E as a one off console, 2MU + 2 hand size, fantastic for drawing deep with quality time. Tyson observatory tutors for replicator, and Box-E mostly, and from then on anything you need and can spend 2 clicks on getting. All of the hardware its place : - Clone chip saves trashed programs and mostly recurs parasites. - The single memchip gives more room for having our rig out + the oppertunity for both parasites. - LLDS processor beefs up any played breaker (more on this later) - Lockpick is used to boost and pay for study guide! - R&DI for annoying corps with multi-access! - Replicator so we only need to /find/ one of each of them!

breakers are: - Alias because its a pretty blinkin' good killer 1 pump brings it to str 4 which gets through cortex lock which is currently really bloody annoying, also : archer, tsurugi (god damn you RP), muckraker, and janus. Centrals only, but thats where our 'pressure' will be mostly so thats fine! only has problems with Komainu really, thats kind of taxing. 4 to boost strength and 1 per routine, which with Box-E may cos up to 7 :( - Corroder because its a pretty standard barrier breaker, 1c for 1 strength, 1 to break, good all rounder supported by sucker and parasite. - Study Guide the new guy! using lockpicks we should be able to boost the strength of this permanently every turn! fantastic, I think strength 4/5 are likely the best to leave it at, beating lotus field and tollbooth if you go to 5. - Fem, this breaker is idealy staying in your grip, its to be paired with London Library. its the killer that we will be using on remotes, 1 click onto Library means it will fire the LLDS pro's boosting it to (hopefully if we have 3 out) 5 strength right away, and allowing us to target any ice with a bypass (hi there Komainu). It's a little click intensive but if you have the cash and NEED to get into that remote, 2 runs on it should be enough. The only thing I see this sucking for is an RP matchup, because you need to run a central first, and will only have 1 chance of running the remote. (trash their ash and caprice early if you can I guess)

Thats the basic outline of what the deck aims for really. Its not top tier, its probably not super competitive, but it looks kind of fun to play :D