Calibrated Clearinghouse

Quelanna 2

Build up a doom server with Clearinghouse that must be run or the runner dies. Protect it with Forced Connection and Overseer Matrix, so that even when the runner runs and trashes the Clearinghouse they cannot clear enough tags to prevent a follow-up tag punishment like BOOM! or End of the Line. Train the runner to run the IAA'd Clearinghouse, then surprise them with an IAA'd Urtica Cipher (still protected with all the upgrades) and watch the runner struggle. Top all of this up by catching the runner with one last surprise, the Calibration Testing on the remote. Clearinghouse with 5 advancements is safe to leave for a turn, except that it gets the 6th advancement at instant speed. Running Urtica Cipher with just 2 advancements may not catch the runner, but popping Calibration Testing right before access may squeeze out the win.