Noise Job (Pocatello, ID Store Championship 1st Place)

NyanPudge 294

The idea here is to play a high-pressure virus mill deck, facechecking early and often to keep the corp having to rez ice, installing viruses between cheap and free with Sahasrara and Cyberfeeders, and getting into servers at key moments with Inside Job. It tends to be quite quick out of the gate, which most corps don't expect from Noise, so the surprise factor is definitely present.

Things I look for in a good starting hand: At least one economy card (which it is doesn't matter greatly), an inside job and wyldside. Wyldside gets a lot of hate from the general public, but if you're used to playing with it and you've got the recurring credits to pay for the viruses flooding your hand, it can let you set a blistering pace.

24 Mar 2014 eXister

I like surprise factor from Inside Job,it works always!

I played similar deck, but there no good place for Djiin, u draw anyway, so its lost click, cause its not Virus. I taked after few games Levy, so u can refrsh ur deck. Put Mimic for let u not ruin ur plans by Swordsman, and Corroder cause Wraparound will drown ur money. And 1 or 2 Deja vu for picking up trashed by damage lost pieces, like Levy, or even Inside Job

24 Mar 2014 mplain

Could you provide the Corp counterpart?

24 Mar 2014 NyanPudge

Sure, here was the Corp deck.

Djinn is there for the extra memory even more so than the virus search, though the latter can be useful in a pinch. Swordsman doesn't appear much in our local meta, and at any rate I can easily recur Crypsis and frequently install him for 1-2 credits (and another card mill), so I'm not that worried about Swordsman.

Wraparound can be a bit of an issue as Parasite is extremely slow to get around it, but I've also found that players who run wraparound will slap it down and try to score behind it immediately because they know I can't break it. That's when Inside Job comes it.

24 Mar 2014 Hiro_Protagonist

How do you handle Scorched Earth?

24 Mar 2014 NyanPudge

Imp, mostly. The deck is fast and aggressive enough that even Weyland generally won't have the funds and cards to pull of a scorch fast, and as soon as I see a piece of the SE combo, I Imp it. That along with the virus mill and pressure usually deals with SE.

27 Mar 2014 x3r0h0ur

Djinn is almost never a dead draw in noise, and it helps regulate which viruses you're getting if you draw bad. Its kind of like cycle cards in magic. You can host up all your mediums and nerve agents, and datasuckers in 1 nice footprint, constantly building your threat. There is little downside to djinn, and with all the card draw wyldeside gives you, missing a virus a few times and drawing djinn is totally fine for the flexability djinn gives you. Djinn 4 life.