Totally Unique PD (1st @ Seattle async CO)

Radiant 550

My region is extremely stacked, so winning basically any event here is quite the challenge. We regularly get players from Vancouver and Portland coming to our events as well; even just for a random CO it is not at all unusual to have multiple APAC champs, multiple intercontinental champs, the current and two-time world champ, and representatives of multiple prominent testing groups in attendance. With this event being online, we also got a few global reps which was awesome. I don't enter many events since organizing Cascadia and then joining NSG Organized Play, so it felt really nice to be able to take home the gold after getting so, so many 2nds, 3rds, and 4ths in this region this year.

Wins against Loup, Arissana, and mulch Hoshiko; 2 losses to big Hoshiko.

This is basic-ass PD, but it's good and fun and I have a lot of PD experience. There really isn't much to say here so I'll keep it brief. You can find my runner here.

  • I cut the 2nd Void for a Border Control and an extra Mavirus, expecting a lot of my team to be on mulch with Light the Fire - only one of them ended up bringing it, but I think it was the right choice in that context. I would have rather had the 2nd Void in hindsight but you can't see the future so oh well.
  • I think ADT is better than Vitruvius because the econ can sometimes be a bit feast or famine. It also lets you chain scores together to go even faster and get a Tranq trigger on a turn you otherwise wouldn't.

Big thanks to dear friend maninthemoon for organizing, to my team Muntal Bost for being wonderful, and to the PNW scene for being so talented and dedicated to this game :)

16 Dec 2023 maninthemoon

Seems really good 👍

16 Dec 2023 Santa

Very well deserved gold!! 🎉

17 Dec 2023 Jai

congrats on the placement, extremely well deserved!

I played a bunch of the deck, only losses were to my own runner deck as well, haha

PD is still good y'all