The Logos Expierence

Magic_Marmalade 33

A fairly standard Iain Keyhole deck that takes advantage of Eater to make getting into R&D even more of a breeze.

I opted to keep the standard central breaker suite in this deck as a few people at my local meta are quite scared of Eater and I imagine there will be some counter play seen around, as such I figure having a full set of central breakers will help get around that if it comes up.

I chose to spend 3 of my influence on a Levy AR as I have no way of retrieving my Keyhole, Eater, or any other cards after they've been used. And with the decks heavy reliance on events and disposable resources I feel like a Levy would be the best way to cycle everything in if it becomes required.

I'd welcome any feedback on improving this deck offered.