4/5 Runners Agree: No Color Pie = End of the Line!

Agasha 312

Rolled this list out for American Continentals today after publishing it last week for our "Circuit Fauxpener."

Went 4/5 on the day with a variety pack of murder:

  • A Jumbo Combo. Runner was on five cards in hand. I had a See How They Run in the remote with La Costa. Double advanced, the La Costa, so I could advance, Score and do a Net off the Psi game, then Mindscape down to three cards and End of the Line.
  • A Regular End of the Line kill after landing See How They Run Tags.
  • A Bankhar Gutpunch: Bad luck blind Bankhar run into an Anansi with no Sentry breaker installed. Six net damage will do it if you dodge the Steelskins with the first three. . . Never forget, Lucky>Good.
  • A Jank Tank Special: Snare! should never be installed. . . or should it?

AbyssStaresBack is the one that got away. Played No One Home and that made the math difficult, plus I was pretty tilted from a day of rocking my head against the wall trying to run in this meta.

Why did this all work?

First, I think this is a total Swiss Killer that shrinks once people know what's up.

Second, I think abut the scene from The Wire where Bubbles is getting advice on how to kill someone who was robbing him of his drugs. He wanted to rig up a hot shot, and the arabber told him about a heavy metal to use. Bubbles expressed concern that the hot shot wouldn't work, or that the thief wouldn't take the tainted drugs, and the arabber replied:

"It ain't no thing to kill someone who's already about the business of killing themselves."

Runners have to run like crazy against these corp decks, and you can take advantage.

More about my sad day of running against those highly tuned corpos here: Freedom had a bad day. . .

Details from my post-game diary below.

Gratitude to my opponents and Ysengrin and Kror for organizing.

R1 - W v arlekj on Arissana

Lots of set-up. Single advanced a See How They Run behind cloud Eater. Next turn I drew a La Costa, had Mindscaping and End of the Line in hand, so I can kill from 5 cards (1 net or core from SHTR, then 1 Net from Mindscapring, then End of the Line)

R3 - W vs FireRL on Hoshiko

Lots of early poking and set-up. Then they Bankhar HQ ice and run with 5 cards in had and no Sentry breaker installed. First three nets from Bankhar miss the Steelskin, if there is one. The end of encounter three do the rest. Easy game.

R5 - W vs BinkBonkle on Esa

Got some money and fortunate Spin doctor draws. Rezzed a Cloud Eater on HQ - and instead of taking tags or meet, I was able to trash an installed Hippocampic Mechanocytes. BB had two core damage, so his hand size always in the End the Line kill zone. With Cloud Eater rezzed on HQ, runner didn't check the single-advanced See How They Run. La Costa and End the Line got me the kill.

R7 - W vs emmel on Hoshiko

Made a couple of errors in this game but got 'em in the end. Emmel had Arrc Crew and Devil Charm, so all my big ICE was pmuch worthless. They stole Send a Message and I rezzed an Anansi for free to get them to trash the charm.

Reaching deep into the jank tank, I jammed a Snare into the remote with a La Costa. The second turn it ticked up and I didn't advance it (but La Costa lets you place the advancement counters ;D). It proved too juicy and they ran second to last click. I used Ag ability to redirect the run, hoping they would run last click.

They ran last click, ate the installed Snare! with that enticing La Costa advancement, and ended the turn with 2 cards in hand and a tag. Pivot got the End of the Line for the win.

Lucky that they weren't sitting on Steelskin in hand. Or that the Snare! missed it.


R10 - L v AbyssStaresBack on Hoshiko

No One Home hits the table and it means that I can't land the tags without a money advantage. I can't quite work around this, and while they were running into lots of big gnarly ICE, they touched 7 points.

First corp loss of the day, but still a good game.

2 Jun 2024 maninthemoon

You killed a lot of friends of mine 👻 💔 🪦 Well done, cool list!

2 Jun 2024 emmel

Nicely done, congrats! I don’t remember when the last time I accessed an advanced Snare 🫠

2 Jun 2024 awildturtok

Nice deck!