White Tree Snail Trail

Foxtrot Four 18

So this is a work in progress will update occasionally... -as sets come out -as we play test and drop and add things -whenever I'm not lazy

So the idea is to not tax their credit pool but to tax their clicks. False Leads, Enigmas, Ruhr Valley, and Enhanced Login Protocols make it almost impossible to make multiple runs in one turn. Three Nisei Mk II make the few times he CAN run on multiple servers end abruptly.

I'm not sure about Fetal AI now though, this deck started out as a Slow Advance/Flat Line Deck. Something that slow advances for the win but Can Flat Line the runner if they were to stumble into wrong pockets of certain ICE. But now the only thing left from that old deck is Shinobi and Fetal AI, I'm very tempted to replace Fetal AI with NAPD Contracts since it's 4 credits to steal which is FAR more taxing than the former.

Also! Clickless Economy! Adonis Campaign, Sundew and Mental Health Clinics! With 2-3 Clicks dedicated to running on a central before they even Think about running a remote you can ALL the money from undefended remote servers. They have to make the choice between running Remotes with money or Remotes with Agenda's because they really only should get 1 shot.

31 Aug 2014 wswan

Some traps would really ruin a runner's day if they can make it to the remotes, especially if you show it to them beforehand with Celeb Gift. The runner will be so apprehensive about finally getting a chance to run a remote and when it blows up in his or her face he or she will no longer be having a great time. And the runner will rethink going for remotes at all, then.

31 Aug 2014 Foxtrot Four

I've been thinking of dropping a Mental Health Clinic for that reason actually, but I want to tax the runner as much as I can. But Mushin no Shin a junebug would probably be the best thing ever. -1 Mental, and drop 1 Caprice for 2 junebugs?

3 Sep 2014 Popeye09

How does the bad publicity work out from 'Grim' and 'Shinobi'? I find that bad publicity is terrible in 'Replicating Perfection', it just destroys the whole "walking through treacle" effect. If you only rez them at "match point" so the bad publicity doesn't really matter, you'd already got to match point without them and they could have been taxing ICE instead and not a dead draw/installation for most of the match! That's my experience anyway.