Cyber threat deck

dldhslr2 7

It has been two years since I have enjoyed Netrunner, but this is the first time I have submitted a netrunnerDB deck. Because I am Korean and English is not familiar. However, I played many games with and a English became a lettle familiar to have gotten used to try to upload a deck. It is not easy to introduce previous decks (horizontal and vertical decks, Haas gun deck) that I made before, but it would be interesting to deal with this deck.

The concept that I had originally envisioned was the concept of destroying ice by using the "Cyber ​​Threat" card as a key card and using spoon, falk, knife. And like those decks, once I got a bad hand, the answer was not visible. In the end, I put two pieces of spoon and En passant, and turned to use lamprey. lampery has seen many useful effects in the times of not blocking the headquarters well. Coporations always have plans, before the money runs out. Reina 's abilities and lamprey made opponents spend a lot of money, which slowed the opponent's speed.

A mine accident is also a good card to destroy opponent's money. If a company does not pay 5Credit, it is as good as it is. Many bad publicities are good because of the anarch position that the breaker efficiency is not so good. I put Cerberus instead of the inefficient MKUltra. At least it showed much better efficiency than MKUltra. The clone chip was used to assist them, and the D4v1d, which has good synergy with clone chip, was also added.

The reason for putting the spoon among the cultlry was because the Black Orchestra was the most ineffective among the set of breakers. The spoon was effective in removing Mousolus and Fairchild 3.0. Finally, the finishing touch is Tri-maf Contact. As tags became less important than we thought, resources were more likely to survive. Tri-maf can be used like the Kati Jones before the rotation. Thanks to the tri-maf, Criminal and Anarch have been able to sustain lasting economic power. I think it will see a lot of effect if I put it into many runner decks to make in the future.