Sleepless 1.8 (I'll sleep when i'm dead)

AppleBerry 291

Step one - Take your Stims

Step two - Party like there's no tomorrow

Step three - Remember there is a tomorrow and get back to work

As i was looking at some of my older decks i remembered how much i enjoyed playing this deck, which was a lot. So i updated it made it legal and took it out for a test ride, still super enjoyable.

It seemed to be a nice surprise for those I played against and I enjoyed the new challenges the meta supplies. I hope you enjoy it as well

The most Brain Damage in a game - 14

Most cards in hand when hitting Komainu - 15 that sucked

16 Oct 2016 Snake Eyes

if you throw a chop bot in, you can feed your drug dealer to the woodchipper instead of paying her when she comes along to collect her brain damage. Bonus free draw too!