Bloomington Common Room Store Champs Winning Corp

sydwys8 48

This deck can score agendas or kill the runner. Pretty standard Blue Sun.

23 Feb 2015 bblum

How many games during the SC were won with flatline vs agenda?

23 Feb 2015 sydwys8

Two agenda wins and two flatlines during elimination. I only played one Corp game in double elimination, and I lost that game.

23 Feb 2015 xjohncandyx

Do you find it easy to get your kill combo in hand without Project Atlas? Have you considered dropping Elizabeth Mills/Hostile Takeover since you don't run Archer?

23 Feb 2015 sydwys8

Hostile Takeover is there to get to seven points. Two threes and a hostile is game. Elizabeth Mills is much more versatile than I hear anyone give her credit. She is the best answer in the game to Valencia, and she shuts down Stimshop pretty hard. Runners run differently when they think you have the kill versus when they know you have the kill. With Atlas the deck could probably kill the runner more consistently, but it would lose the ability to win via scoring agendas. It takes the same amount of time to score a three pointer as it does to score Atlas, and against runners who stack three plascretes, the three pointer gets me closer to victory.

23 Feb 2015 ItJustGotRielle

Looks like there weren't a lot of Davids brought to Bloomington haha, but congrats on the win!