Shutdown Jinteki, Caprice Edition

itsbigfoot 2981

66% better than the last version

27 Mar 2014 PeekaySK

So, a Bako and a Sub for two Caprices? Interesting :)

27 Mar 2014 x3r0h0ur

Don't tell anyone about this! This is the type of deck I'm keeping around as my Jinteki deck. Breaker busting with painful ice. It might not seem like it, but I've had enough cash with just 3x gift 3x hedge and 3x sub messaging. My agenda breakdown is a little different, I feel like you'll have trouble if you don't get CT and an ETR ice though, since all your agendas are advanceable ( the ones you don't score from hand ).

27 Mar 2014 PeekaySK

I feel like you'll have trouble if you don't get CT and an ETR ice though, since all your agendas are advanceable ( the ones you don't score from hand ).

Having played this deck a bunch last night, I'm confident in saying that this does not matter. If you're not short on cash and aren't running Snares, then the difference between Braintrust isn't in how hard it is to score. It's that for 2 effective credits more, Nisei shuts down Siphons and Indexings.

27 Mar 2014 bubo

The more that I look at this deck, the more intrigued I am with the potential shown here. Subliminal Messaging can be a little icing on the cake for Power Shutdown, but does this deck really need 3x Power Shutdown? Jackson Howard is an essential for this deck, but it feels like Interns has a place here to recur your Sundews and CT. Perhaps switch a Shutdown into an Intern and evaluate Intern's performance against Jackson to determine if you want 3/1 or 2/2 of those two cards?

There's something about Yagura that I just don't like. It's a neat ability, but at the same time it doesn't feel like it's doing a whole lot and it's so easily broken. I would evaluate Yagura against Inazuma for utility. Also, have you considered Shinobi in this deck yet?

28 Mar 2014 PeekaySK

There's something about Yagura that I just don't like. It's a neat ability, but at the same time it doesn't feel like it's doing a whole lot and it's so easily broken.

Until you've played with Yagura a bit, it's hard to see just how good it is. First turn Yagura on RnD is a super-solid play - you pay 1 credit for the double benefit of dealing a net damage and not getting your PriReq stolen (seriously, every time that scrying thing has triggered on turn 1, it's been a PriReq... sometimes leading into a Snare or Shock after the agenda has been moved to the bottom).

I would evaluate Yagura against Inazuma for utility.

Totally different pieces of ICE with different use cases - it'd be like comparing Chum to Enigma just because they're both Code Gates.

28 Mar 2014 PeekaySK

(and this is for Sam to answer, really, but in my personal testing whenever I didn't get a Power Shutdown soon enough, it was a problem - so that leads me to believe that it's definitely a 3-of)

28 Mar 2014 itsbigfoot

power shutdown is the best card in the deck, I'm not sure why i'd go below 3. even for like 5, it's usually a good play (at 5 you probably want jackson though)

28 Mar 2014 Ayotte

Hey, I built a very similar deck yesterday, but I have more agendas and no sundews (I'm using Gila Hands but no Priority Req). Do you think 5/3 agendas are good in PE? With Jinteki's porous ice it seems risky to have 5/3 agendas, and it also seems like the identity is better with cheaper agendas. Is priority req really worth it?

28 Mar 2014 PeekaySK

What PriReq does is that it leverages scoring windows better - you only need three scored agendas to win. That's a huge benefit - if you run only 1- and 2-pointers, you'll deal a bit more damage, but get more agenda-flooded and win way less via scoring.

28 Mar 2014 hraklea

How does this deck goes against Parasite recursion? 16 ICEs, no Snare!, and only 1 Fetal AI seems too little to keep your R&D safe from a lock.

28 Mar 2014 PeekaySK

Parasites actually die to Power Shutdown rather nicely. Either that, or just kill the Datasuckers, and suddenly the Parasites are too slow :)

28 Mar 2014 itsbigfoot

@hraklea, it was better in that matchup pre-caprice, where you had the full set of bakos. in general though power shutdown and shock make it pretty hard to get datasucker rigs going

28 Mar 2014 ncaron

Curious to know why you decided not to put Snare! in the deck.

29 Mar 2014 itsbigfoot

it's hard to sell them with the current agenda composition, they aren't very useful in hand (very overrated) and they're expensive.

31 Mar 2014 frolic

I'd be interested to see Shinobi in this deck. Get rid of their Killer, and now Shinobi can flatline the runner by itself.

4 Apr 2014 JWHamner

With all the Corroder killing potential here I feel like this deck desperately wants Wraparound. All the influence looks well spent though.