All the Moving Parts - Tower Games Store Champ 3rd place,

Necrotic Toaster 25

The idea is really basic, pressure early with Blackmail, draw aggressively, ditch whatever you don't need at the moment, and plan to recur anything you need later.

Inject is the big enabler and I almost always mill if I don't get that or Desperado in my hand. Being able to see 4 cards and likely getting the credit back is a big deal. Desperado is a huge deal to get out ASAP, it makes Blackmail effectively free, makes checking remotes (and trashing most cards) free if not a profit.

There are three modes to the deck Early: Blackmail any protected remote (try to expose before hand if you can) and check unprotected remotes. Try to avoid allow the Corp to rez ICE as much as you can. If something gets rezed try to get rid if it ASAP as long as you don't risk new ICE getting rezed in the act.

Mid Game: After you have drawn some and built up some Econ you can start looking at Keyhole - Eater mode. Try not to show Keyhole early, it will push more protection on R&D before you are ready. If you can focus on trashing ICE or combo parts first, then Agendas if you are sure there are no Jackson on the table or you have Hades Shard, then Econ if there is no better option. The main reason is ICE is your biggest threat to deal with, They can have all the econ in the world but if you are not allowing ICE to Rez it does not do them much good. Removing combo parts deals with Fast Advance or Kill decks that tend to be light on ICE.

Late Game: At this point unless you had a great mid game you likely are not getting into R&D more than once a turn at most. But odds are HQ is only lightly protected. So here is where you hammer the Corp with Wanton Destruction. If Blackmail is still a threat odds are Agendas have piled up there, So you can sit back gaining credits or tricking Kati till you have the perfect moment for a 3 card Wanton.

Outside of that there are few bad match ups for this deck. The worst is Blue Sun with Bad Pub removal. It really hurts your early game and pushes you into having to look into running remotes the hard way. That is where Parasite and Datasucker come into play. Kill their ICE the moment they Oversite them if you can, This will cripple most Blue Sun's econ entirely. Knifed and Spooned with Eater is a powerful combo if you can get them early. Wanton Destruction is likely your game winner in this match up.

Fast Advance is also kind of a problem if they can start comboing out early. Your best bet there is always check remotes to try and stop the ASPP chain and hit them with Wanton Destruction (Even for 2 cards with a Same Old Thing) as much as you can. Keep their combo parts trashed and try to set up a Keyhole hammering.

At my 25ish person tournament I managed top seed at the cut with no loss on Runner side with this deck. Finished 3rd after losing 2 games as Corp after the cut. Over all won 7 games with this that day.