Screw Consistency

junkmail 294

I made this to spite the consistency obsessives in my local meta. Maxx deck with only singletons!

20 Jan 2015 daytodave

What the hell do you mull for?

20 Jan 2015 linuxmaier

@daytodave you want to make sure to Mulligan for 5 cards. So long as you've got that, I think you're set.

21 Jan 2015 titonosfe

With 45 cards MAXX is the dead after 15 turns if you don't play levy (and you don't trash it). I think you can take out at least the crash space and the emercy and put 3 same old things.

21 Jan 2015 linuxmaier

@titonosfe Dead? Or did they really achieve a MAXIMUM PUNK ROCK victory? Experts differ.

28 Mar 2015 frizz

This must be fun to disassemble.