Rei-Knight (2nd place Kaissa New Erythraia Store Championshi

PlutoNick 152

17 Mar 2014 Diegofsv

Loved this deck. Would probably change a Corroder for a Djinn, or something like that.

18 Mar 2014 PlutoNick

This used to be x2 corroder, x3 bishop. Djinn x2 is sufficient. You don't have THAT many viruses anyway.

18 Mar 2014 Freeman 1.0

wouldn't you prefer change clone chip at self-modification code or special orders, adding deja-vu and low the number of icebreakers? I say that cause of you don't have so much drawing cards unless 1xquality and it sounds too slow for FA

18 Mar 2014 PlutoNick

@freeman 1.0 "wouldn't you prefer change clone chip at self-modification code or special orders"

Clone chip is essential because the corp will definately trash the ice that has a caissa (more often a knight). But then if you already have Deep Red installed, you can do the following:

1st click play Clone Chip 2nd click Run, trash clone chip, bring Knight and install Knight directly in an ice.

This move is devastating for the corp. I have won games doing this.

19 Mar 2014 ZiNOS

Love the Deck, love the aggression! Good Job on the second place m8!