
db0 2889

A deck designed around resource denial, either direct via Account Siphon, or via constantly forcing the corportation to rez new or existing ICE.

Initial hand optimally I'd like to have Xanadu or Comromised Employee, as those can really jumpstart my econ or hamstring the corp's.

Build-up combo in the deck:

Crypsis + Crescentus: You should use this on any ICE with a cost over 4, to force the corp to keep paying. Perfect against archers and tollbooths.

Above + False Echo: Break and derez, then force the corp to take it back as well. You should optimally try to use this on ICE that cost 2 or more credits to install so that the replacement is not free.

Above + Cortez Chip: Cortez Chip an ICE, run and break with Crypsis and derez, then false echo it to force them to rez it with the cortez chip cost, or take it back in hand. If you have a Xanadu in play, even a Wall of ICE can end up costing the corp 8 credits.

This deck in action:
29 Oct 2013 x3r0h0ur

I know it varies from the theme slightly, but have you thought about replacing the false echo with deja vu? With SOT you can recur parasite...a lot. I felt like in your video, false lead picked up that archer, so the situation went from you know what ice was there, to making him feel like he had to put down a new ice, which you had no idea what it was. And it only cost him 2-3 in install costs and a click if he just put the archer back down. With 2 more parasites from Deja Vu, you can destroy 2 more peices of ice entirely, and added utility to recur parasite/datasuckers discarded to damage.

Just a thought :)

29 Oct 2013 db0

Might be worth a try. This build I'm trying to see if False Echo can be usable. In a latest iteratioin, I've added some inside jobs which also combo with false lead, so I'm waiting to see if this will work.