Net-Ready Yogmanosaurusucker v2

spiralshadow 45

NRE is bonkers with both Yog and Atman, so this felt like a really natural fit. Originally this didn't have Clone Chips but the ability to get back things that might get trashed from an NRE install is really nice, and gives the one Parasite a little recursion if necessary. Biggest drawback is setup time, and it can be a bit of a slog getting ProCo rolling along with Daily Casts, but once it's set up you can casually stroll right into any server.

Changes from v1: Dropped Femme for Utopia Shard, dropped a Lady for a third Modded. Utopia Shard acts as another pseudo-Plascrete, which is good considering this deck is pretty low-econ and often can't win the money war against Midseasons or Punitive decks. Third Modded really helps with the setup time.

Let me know what you think!