Jinteki Fast Advance...if you'd like that is

skaterforsale 131

This deck uses some of the tricks a normal fast advance deck employs but it's main goal is not to win by scoring at 7 points as quickly as possible. With Ronin, Junebug, and Ice Wall you can set up some advancements to be moved with ToL to agendas for quick points or you can move them over to traps and snag an unsuspecting runner. While you can win both by net damage or agenda scoring, you can roll with whatever strategy you'd like.

I like to draw the game out and set up a few traps with ronin or junebug before getting the right combo of cards for a quick agenda score (San San, ToL, Shipment, etc). Sometimes I like to throw them off and install an agenda in a remote with some ice over it and advance it 5 times quickly but not score it. Usually they'll think it's trap so they'll leave it alone and I can score it in a close situation. I employ the same strategy with two fully advanced ronin and win the game with net damage.