Window Blinders

Blue_Disco_Dude 7

have fun with rez derez shenanigans.


swap a vulnerability audit to ikawah? (currently don't like the idea)
swap 1 attitude adjustment for 1 spin for influence?
add another hagen?
add another lycian?
remove 1 or 2 marilyn?
remove/add more working prototpe? (hard to judge this card)
remove 1 brasilia? (is it actually good?)
remove 1 stavka (maybe I can't afford to trash much?)

Elivagar (2/1 agenda that can let you derez an ice or maybe spin/nico)
Hakrl (lets you derez but core damage irelevant)
warroid tracker [does what the identity wants to do]
lightning labaratory (4/2 agenda, I don't think the effect is good enough)
warm reception (on theme, but I don't see how this helps)


Miraju [2] (good with stegodon, relevant effect when on HQ)
cybersand harvester [2] (with some much rez derez this can bring value)

Trafic analyzer [1] (just does too little, although it is very cool)
audacity [4] (as a finisher its not bad, could also do biotic labor)