Questzal's Cafeteria Visit IV

tobinlopes 99

This took 6th Place in Colorado Regionals 2015 with 39 players. The idea is basically ICE destruction while putting pressure on Corp to manage their hand. Between Vigil providing an incentive to keep them low but Hacktivist Meeting and Utopia Shard forcing random discards I find I can really keep the thumbscrews to them. The e3 works well with Cujo and David and Atman at 4 str completes the suite. I hardly even got a full suite out because I didn't need to so the Data Folding was almost always giving money and the Mem Strips made sure of it when I had installed many programs. Q's ability to break some of the most popular ICE with nothing more than her ID or a click (Eli) was insane. I've managed to have a winning record vs. RP in two Regionals losing only once in 4 matches.