Yogdor the Spooninator 2.0

drmastodon 101

Latest version of Yogdor. Refined a bit after more playtesting.

Original description: Another variation on the Yog.0saurus + Datasucker + Paintbrush theme. I've had some good success with this deck, and am usually able to get most of the rig running fairly quickly. Scavenge gives flexibility to run Yog.0 early on its own and then reinstall onto Dinosaurus when ready, as well as the usual combo with Test Run, and ability to reset Femme when needed.

Ideal Draw:

Test Run, Scavenge, Modded, DinoSaurus, Code Siphon - would get Yog.0saurus up turn 1, and set up a code siphon for paintbrush turn two, or turn one if you want to YOLO with a tag and no cards at the end of your turn. Never going to happen, but I can dream, right?


  • Weak against traces.

  • Low Econ. This is mitigated by the fact that Yog.0, Datasucker and Paintbrush don't cost credits to use.

v1.0 notes: While I found that i could Paintbrush my way into any server with up to 4 pieces of ice (3x Paintbrush clicks, then Yog.0saurus+Datasucker through), it took a while to do so. Dropping Parasite and D4v1d gave me enough influence, and i added some Same Old Thing to recur Spooned. Had to lose the R&D Interfaces, but I rarely needed to get them out to win. I also added Paricia to give me some trashing power.

v2.0 notes: Dropped Atman and Net Shield. Added 2x R&D Interfaces. I haven't needed either program and multi-access is always a good thing


Yogdor was a woman

I mean, she was a robot woman

Or maybe she was just a robot

But she was still Yogdor!



Spooninating the Tollbooths,

Spooninating the Heimdalls

Spooninating all the ICEs

And their trashable assets! Trashable assets!


15 Mar 2015 KingOfOdonata

Since you have a lower econ threshold, is Professional Contacts worth running over Diesels? Since it has such an expensive install cost, it seems like burst draw would be better to get to your other cards as well a burst econ. I could see even using Dirty Laundry with burst draw. Modded is also nice with burst draw.

I really want to do a Spoon deck with Kit as well, but the influence cost is so high. I'm not sure if it's better to try that over a traditional Parasite deck with her. The two Spoons could easily be 2xDatasuckers and 2xParasite. But of course, you'll need Clone Chips then. And probably one MU booster since you're using Paintbrush.

15 Mar 2015 drmastodon

I've tried Diesel and found Professional Contacts to be more useful. There's enough tutoring in the deck that I rarely need to dig for anything and don't really need the draw power. I usually end up with 1 free click in a turn and would rather spend it drawing and getting a credit of I can't make another run.

The pre-O&C version of my deck used Parasite, but the MU restriction and need for clone chips were outclassed by Spooned's ability to pressure servers. I can run Spooned on a server with two unrezzed ICE and force the Corp to rez both to keep me out and lose 1, or let me in without rezzing.