Argus Blend

ShinGensou 9

Most Argus decks I have seen go all in on the Snare! This one chooses to present that threat, while instead focusing more on SEA Source to make every run dangerous.

The game plan is pretty simple. Get a ton of money through Hostile Takeover, Oaktown Renovation, and all the operations, and turn that into a kill. This deck can also win by scoring, though I've never actually scored The Cleaners. That one is just there for density. Oaktown is amazing bait for when you've got your kill lined up and you just need the run. Install advance-advance to make two credits and either score or let loose the dogs of war on your next turn!

Crisium Grid is there for protection against Keyhole, Maker's Eye, Legwork, etc.

Data Raven is the star piece of ice, as with most Argus decks. The only other really taxing piece of ice is Archer. Landing one with programs trashed is sometimes enough to score out behind for the rest of the game.