The Ring of Power (Book Two)

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NuttyNewfie 96

Book Two

This is an update from the previous version of The Ring of Power.

The biggest change is the removal of Tapwrm due to its addition to the MWL. Since we don't need to be running every turn, I've replaced it with Peace In Our Time. I also topped up on other econ cards and added Stimhack for busting into remotes.

As it turns out, people really like to stack ICE on R&D when they face Kit (or Shapers in general, really). I've added Network Exchange to make this extra taxing for the Corporation.

Dedicated Processor was replaced by System Seizure to serve as a counter-current to Scarcity.

One copy of Escher, because sometimes you need to shuffle all the ICE...

Lots of Events here, so I added Same Old Thing for value.

Feedback Filter and Citadel Sanctuary were removed to focus more on deck strategy and less on disrupting the Corporation. If your meta requires the addition of certain cards, then season to taste.

As always, comments are welcome.


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