Kongamato (Down the White Nile)

  • Adam: Compulsive Hacker
    Agasha 312
    Adam: Compulsive Hacker
    Algebraic 909
    Nathaniel "Gnat" Hall: One-of-a-Kind
    DayJob 3
    Armand "Geist" Walker: Tech Lord
    BeNNyBiLL 692
    2018 Regionals
    Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar
    Venali 607
    Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar
    strube 156
    2018 Regionals
    Apex: Invasive Predator
    Uruz 624
    2018 Regionals
    Apex: Invasive Predator
    Armand "Geist" Walker: Tech Lord
    2018 Nationals
    Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker
    kaz272 13
    Akiko Nisei: Head Case
    First Rotation
    Armand "Geist" Walker: Tech Lord
    Matuszczak 2311
    Third Rotation
    Quetzal: Free Spirit
    willybn1 143
    Third Rotation
    Apex: Invasive Predator
    Third Rotation
    Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist
    zmb 291
    Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker
    Pixie 14
    The Masque: Cyber General
    The Masque: Cyber General
    Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker
    Sokka 5865
    Third Rotation
    The Professor: Keeper of Knowledge
    Sanjay 3561
    Nero Severn: Information Broker
    Lat: Ethical Freelancer
    Crunchy 31
    Apex: Invasive Predator
    Second Rotation
    Armand "Geist" Walker: Tech Lord
    Goeshi 147
    Armand "Geist" Walker: Tech Lord
    Krasty 700
    2019 Store Champs
    Armand "Geist" Walker: Tech Lord
    Sindarin 236
    2019 Store Champs