Career Fair (Breaker Bay)

  • Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer
    firesa 676
    2017 World Champs
    MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock
    gumonshoe 2987
    Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie
    Shmeguy 1595
    2017 Regionals
    Edward Kim: Humanity's Hammer
    x3r0h0ur 8970
    Kabonesa Wu: Netspace Thrillseeker
    Bakaru 253
    Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe
    BlueHg 639
    2018 Nationals
    Whizzard: Master Gamer
    GoHawks 321
    2015 ANRPC
    Adam: Compulsive Hacker
    Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie
    tmoiynmwg 6337
    2017 Regionals
    Adam: Compulsive Hacker
    Jakuza 701
    Fourth Rotation
    Mercury: Chrome Libertador
    harmonbee 925
    Sixth Rotation
    Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie
    2017 Store Champs
    Quetzal: Free Spirit
    ism 496
    First Rotation
    Adam: Compulsive Hacker
    Fifth Rotation
    Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
    paulyg 1318
    2020 Continentals Fourth Rotation
    Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe
    Nemamiah 4138
    2018 Nationals First Rotation
    Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar
    amavric 2315
    Mercury: Chrome Libertador
    Sixth Rotation
    Mercury: Chrome Libertador
    Diogene 4240
    Sixth Rotation
    Andromeda: Dispossessed Ristie
    2017 Store Champs
    Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter
    boreira 602
    Fourth Rotation
    Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler
    Fourth Rotation
    Adam: Compulsive Hacker
    DoomRat 2416
    2018 Store Champs Second Rotation
    Freedom Khumalo: Crypto-Anarchist
    CritHitd20 7269
    Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
    lostgeek 3704
    Fourth Rotation
    Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
    jan tuno 3999
    Fifth Rotation
    Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist
    Ebrey 303
    2017 Store Champs