PAD Tap (Kampala Ascendent)

  • Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy
    Slowriffs 870
    2022 Circuit Openers Fifth Rotation
    Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter
    Fifth Rotation
    Liza Talking Thunder: Prominent Legislator
    2020 World Champs
    Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist
    Cahuita 711
    2019 Regionals
    Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy
    Fifth Rotation
    Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist
    qvm 1921
    2019 Regionals
    MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock
    Tolaasin 816
    2022 Circuit Openers Fourth Rotation
    Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe
    Kikai 2445
    Fourth Rotation
    Sunny Lebeau: Security Specialist
    mendax 1024
    2021 World Champs Second Rotation
    Adam: Compulsive Hacker
    Fourth Rotation
    Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
    enkoder 1101
    Fourth Rotation
    MaxX: Maximum Punk Rock
    2021 World Champs Fourth Rotation
    Sunny Lebeau: Security Specialist
    Cpt_nice 1956
    2021 World Champs Fourth Rotation
    Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
    Longi 1899
    Fourth Rotation
    419: Amoral Scammer
    enkoder 1101
    2020 Continentals
    Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
    BECKETT28 181
    2020 Continentals Third Rotation
    Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe
    emmel 56
    2020 Continentals
    Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler
    wowarlok 1261
    2020 Store Champs Fourth Rotation
    Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter
    Fourth Rotation
    Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist
    gejben 523
    2019 Regionals
    Az McCaffrey: Mechanical Prodigy
    ransomman 321
    Leela Patel: Trained Pragmatist
    2020 Continentals Third Rotation
    Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist
    nbkelly 959
    2020 Continentals Third Rotation
    Silhouette: Stealth Operative