CImple 4th Place at OMM Eternal

AbyssStaresBack 82

This was my attempt to simplify a CI kill combo. While it probably needs some more tuning, it goldfishes really well, and the one jnet game I played with it prior to the tournament I killed on turn 3.

It went 2-1 in the tournament. The loss coming from Andy that was able to play multiple estrike combined with multiple account siphons and sniped a clutch rewiring out of hq.

The cards are all the busted ones. Shipment from mirrormorph is 1 credit for 3 clicks, wage workers is 2 credits for 2 clicks, and project vacheron is a steal at only 1 eternal point and combines with gfi to leave us with only 9 steal-able points.

We care very little about rumor mill because our combo involves playing a current, we can always free up our wage workers from princess space kitten.

With only core damage, we don't need to worry about Citadel Sanctuary or Plascrete.

The combo:

Shipment -> WW, djupstad, rewiring


Defective -> ww click

3x adv score, shuffle back to 1 card and do 2 core

That's the basic combo costing 21 credits if the runner has 5 in hand and giving an additional click from wageworkers to advance again for the source or to install a CVS for clot.

Audacity opens a line to win on only 10 creits + 1 for each card in hand. RLC opens more windows to draw or install the CVS.

Some considerations: the NAPD and 2 GFI could be swapped for 2 vanity project, I haven't done any math to determine if that's more defensible but it does open an extra deck slot. Kill switch is also an option but much worse than the defective current since you need to have more money to trace them down and because its 2 instances of damage they could draw a steelskin off the rewire. This deck would also be a home for a brainstorm combo as that pairs with the current.

That's about it, I'd love any feedback on the deck. Big shout out to Toron for hosting and streaming the tournament and Aksu for winning it!

P.S. is was mostly a deckbuilding exercise, if you want to have fun in eternal play Mti