slash and boat agriculture - 13th EMEA CBI

eden_online 91

Feels really good contributing to a resurgence of the boat.

One key improvement and two "eh" changes:

-Slash and Burn Agriculture as a 1x lets you fast-advance Eminent Domains essentially safely when you're otherwise locked out from the game and build a remote/econ engine from there. Closes a decent amount of games. Sometimes gets you a funny kill with Azef. Losing a 3/2 (Azef) from the list kinda hurts but the ability to Do Something when you have a flooded hand is absolutely huge. Gives us an extra slot because we can get away with cutting the incredibly awkward Audacity now.

-Wraparound was last-minute tech for ice destruction and Audrey decks because Freedom makes us suffer immensely but it never became relevant at CBI so I don't really know how much it matters.

-Tucana made the cut in the final "don't really know what to do with this" slot because it mattered a lot in a game I spectated. Again, didn't become relevant, but I don't think I hate it.


-1x Hearts and Minds was kind of cute but mostly just ended up as trash fodder for Svy.

-1x Urban Renewal literally never impacted the game and again mostly ended up as trash fodder for Svy.

-3x Mavirus was actually pretty bad! I wanted it to be good to facilitate ducking Diversion of Funds more reliably t1 but it made my opening hands feel a lot more likely to have no <=5c sets of options in them - doubling up t1 is just not possible.

Everyone go play this, it's the best deck.

21 Jan 2025 pouchoflavender

given how many obs are in cbi top cut, you really predicted – or set – a trend. thank you for getting me on the boat!! <3

23 Jan 2025 Meathir

I think if you want to play 3 Mavirus you have to be on the Regolith as well. Was Audacity really that awkward though? I usually found I was winning with it quite often.

23 Jan 2025 eden_online

@Meathir The particular situation that was usually a problem was earlygame with no spin where there were a lot of agendas in hand. It's not a bad card and I'd consider having it alongside the slash and burn, but it sat in hand until the very last score a lot of times.