Azmari reeducation (3rd @ Colorado District)

TheRyanBurke 2024

Minor ICE tweaks to Single-Triple. I started playing this a few days before the event more to practice and understand the matchup. I ended up liking the explosive plays so much that I played it instead.

Tournament notes

R2. L vs Kit. I was about to set up for a Reeducation + Neuro from turn 2 when my opponent Sparked out a Lobisomem, making it impossible for me to defend over a turn. I decided to reset tempo with Attitude Adjustment and put 2 agendas back in R&D. Opponent then found six points from HQ + R&D before the Deep Dive... that whiffed. Now I'm sitting on a pile of credits but no Punitive. I then proceed to Rashida + mandatory + Planogram + Planogram + Sudden Commandment + Attitude Adjustment (recycled from a Doctor) to draw 14 cards. Half of the remaining deck. No Punitive. F+. Tried setting up for another Neuro play but opponent found a third agenda before I could get there. Netrunnerrrrrrrr

R4. W vs Freedom. Freedom was destroying ICE and combo pieces left, right, and center with double Leech, Consume, and CrewCharm. Felt like it was going south fast. I set up a remote with Data Loop and Degree Mill to feign a Neuro play. Opponent attacked it and ended turn with 3 cards but not enough credits to defend a double Punitive play that saved my bacon.

R6. W vs Sable. Pretty short game with a Neuro kill on turn 5ish. Opponent was on bladezz and tried to defend the Neuro play with a Class Act. I rezzed a Rashida on the kill turn to have enough cards to push out of grip with Reeducation.

Cut, first round. W vs Tao. Blitz round to a Neuro kill on turn 4. Opening turn I drew several cards and found a juicy Your Digital Life. Turns 2 and 3 set up a remote with Reeducation, Holo Man, and a Jua protecting two more hard ETRs. Opponent dropped a Hermes but could not find a steal to contest the combo.