When Kim is hungry!!

hiotelis 1

Ok, the idea was to build a non-apex deck, with endless hunger as a braker! So, what do we need? A lot of cards to install so endless hunger could eat! To do so, I have a lot of 0-1 cost cards! But how do we do it fast? Well, wildside! How to break the iritating ice that trace you and do stupid thing? Since we already hace wildside here, faust is the right thing, along with a couple of parasites.. You do not have a lot of money, but ypu don't actualy need more than a certain amount ti install specific thing. Liberated and armitage stay down with the last credits on them i case you need them either for the money or for food! This deck is going prety well so far. Kim's ability trashing either economy or an important to the corp cards slows them down enough to let you constantly set and run. Have fun. Looking forward for your ideas and advises!

23 May 2016 M1ke

With Endless Hunger leaving only that one from Vigil, it seems that you would need to juggle all your installs between Faust and viruses. Wouldn't Grimoire suit this list better?

26 May 2016 hiotelis

you can install viruses on Progenitor! the vigil draw realy helps. But I'm still trying to find a way to counte IG...