Steve Mill

Jayjaxx 21

Mill the crap out of them. You really do have alot of recursion with steve and shadow net. Game plan is make loads of money, draw all your breakers and your mill cards, play out the mill cards, run HQ maybe 5-8 times throughout the game and use shadow net to recur some fear the masses, or fisks. Don't use dirty laundry as just 3 creds, its more of a hey i'm gonna run on this and I have some extra credits, so lets make some money. Shadow net is there for fisks or FTMs. In case of jackson i would advise leaving it up. so they get to mill themselves more. Yeah

21 Jun 2017 meltedlilacs

I don't think you can use The Shadow Net on Fisk Investment Seminar unfortunately, because it's a priority event, and your first click is spent on Shadow Net, not Fisk.