PSI madness v2

apo 462

Primary goal is to win on points behind Ash and Caprice with flatline being a secondary win condition.

This deck wants to build a single remote with nasty upgrades and start scoring. Every time they take brain damage from Cerebral Cast it's a victory for you. If they take the tag, close their accounts and prepare to score.

Also with this agenda setup it is rather safe to Celeb Gift your entire hand most of the time. Snowflake is great, people actually usually break it which is an amazing deal - you get a 3str barrier for a single credit!

Shocks fend off Datasuckers and milling decks, with Jacksons to further assist. If you're ballsy, hide Future Perfect in the archives behind Shocks!, finish them up with Punitive :).

11 May 2014 Robotron5673

Tried this deck out on OCTGN and opponent was running a Gabe deck w Yog.0, Corroder and Faeries. He never scored an agenda or did an Account Siphon. Good deck!

12 May 2014 apo

Thanks. This deck haven't lost a game for me yet (probably played around 10 of them). It might be something big!

12 May 2014 tuism

How exactly are you guaranteeing to close their account with just one closed account and no tutors?

I've been playing the same sort of concept but haven't been so all-in on the damage, but instead spend my influence on fun things like RSVP and Ichis. I have 2 closed accounts and see them pretty commonly.

The only thing is DAMN it takes forever to play. That's the problem with all Jinteki builds now. They drag the game out into infinity :/

12 May 2014 Robotron5673

Closed Accounts is not a necessity in this deck. Most of the time that I've played Cerebral Cast, they take the brain damage.

12 May 2014 Robotron5673

Closed Accounts isn't a necessity. Most of the time with Cerebral Cast, the opponent will take the brain damage.

14 May 2014 apo


I'd run 2x Closed Accounts if I could fit them, deckspace is really tight here. Playing Cerebral Cast without a followup is still pretty strong - after all the runner doesn't now you got no followup at the moment. If they take brain - great, if they take a tag maybe you can trash a resource, maybe you will need to live with sticking a tag as an annoyance in itself.

This deck isn't too hard on timed play. Maybe those punitives make the difference? Kills do happen here, and kills are quick. Also after setting up a caprice/ash remote it is very likely you will push agendas there one by one. Most likely you will have them on hand to do this by this time - otherwise the runner might already be counterstriked to death.