Mushin Smartfabrics

EnderA 504

If you're good at reading your opponent, or you just love confusing them, this is a solid deck. If not, definitely don't run this.

The point of this deck is relatively straightforward once you see the list, but can be a bit of a headscratcher when you encounter it in person. Mushin either an Overwriter or Mandatory Upgrades (or sometimes Vitruvius for counters), and force them to make a choice. If they make the wrong choice, you have a very good chance at winning. If they make the right choice, you have a worse chance, but still a decent chance. The gamble is usually stacked in your favor. Just be wary of Siphons; absolutely prioritize icing HQ if you suspect they may be a threat.

Add on the ability to go Fast Track -> Mushin Mandatory Upgrades or Vitruvius, then use Smartfabrics to protect it, and it creates a solid chance of scoring ManUp or setting up Vitruvius counters.) If you score ManUp, fast advancing any other agenda is trivial. Alternatively, if you have Jeeves, getting an extra advancement off of that can make it quite scary instead of protected by Smartfabrics. Whenever possible, try to advance your potential traps to 4, as that's much easier to kill from. (Double or even Triple Neural is quite possible, but making the kill one damage easier works best.) Also note that sometimes you can get brain damage to fire off of Ravana or Viktor early when they're reckless.

It's evem capable of a first turn Mushin plus icing something, with Eli, Viktor, Architect (if either subroutine fires) and Vanilla all being rezzable with credits remaining to score/fire Overwriter.

Finally, don't forget you can rez the trap in between committing to access and access to get a counter on Smartfabrics.

Edits: -1 Vanilla, +1 Best Defense: Obelus decks are a problem, since they can ignore the Overwriter penalty (although Aggressive Secretary can still be an issue for them.) ICE is the easiest to cut, Vanilla especially. You don't want too much dead ICE. With Archived Memories and potential Vitruvius counters, a single Best Defense can do work on its own.

Also possible is -1 Eli, -1 Architect, +1 Neural, +1 Brainstorm to amplify the kill potential.