Binary Icebreaker Kit

linuxmaier 711

There is no such thing as a taxing server against this deck. You either get in for dirt cheap, or you end the run. Each breaker breaks all the subroutines for either 0 or 1 (hence the name) and have significant strength once on the board.

In terms of strategy, Yog goes down as early as possible to to start breaking the early ICE designed to gear check the runner. As you run, draw cards and throw expensive hardware and programs down on Personal Workshop. Once the servers get too tight, pull out the memory, rnd interfaces and programs you need from the workshop as you need them and continue the assault.

The deck is light on economy, but the breaking is designed to be hyper efficient so that it can be run for almost no money at all. Often times you'll spend 1 or 2 non-Cloak credits to get through a beefy taxing server, which leaves Dirty Laundry still profitable even in the late game.

10 Oct 2014 linuxmaier

As a note, Yog does down before the Dino and can be scavenged back onto the Dino when the time is right. Waiting for the Dinosaurus is a mistake that sacrifices the early game aggression Kit can pull off.