Modified Quinns' for Breaker Bay

mawa 451

So this deck relies upon winning the money game to land a scorch, which IMO is the best way of using Gagarin's ability. With Breaker Bay we can get a good 6 credit swing on a Private Contracts if they trash it immediately, and of course way more if they don't. Breaker Bay + The Root is of course even better, but less appealing if you can't find a Breaker Bay. I'm still debating whether to use Lotus Field or RSVP, and whether in the current meta I need to find some AI hate. Suggestions welcome.

22 Jul 2015

i totally agree that gagarin's tax is best for giving you a scorch credit margin. how would you hand plascrete?

22 Jul 2015 mawa

atm, the hard way - sea scorch again.

22 Jul 2015 mawa

v1.1 of the deck, which I didn't actually intend to update so quickly: