
Koschei 140

This is just a simple tag-me deck, but is a lot of fun!

Cards of note

Citadel Sanctuary - Clear them tags!

The Archivist - Gives you a link, and the bad pub is always nice with Prognostic Q-Loop and Masterwork!

Sports Hopper - They provide you with the link, and they can give you draw if you need.

Prognostic Q-Loop - Get really good at remembering what's on top, then use Q-Loop to install key cards clicklessly. Don't forget that using Boomerang will shuffle the stack!!

Caldera - Too many valuable cards are in the deck, I threw this in because I struggled without it.

No One Home - Clear those Hard-Hitting News tags, or prevent a Snare! from ending the game.

Thunder Art Gallery - This is a fun inclusion that gives you installs clicklessly when you clear the tag with Citadel.

White Hat - Make a value HQ run with this! Save a Flip Switch to make it a trace 0!!!

Possible Card Swaps

The White Hat and The Archivist are totally optional, but can give you 9 influence elsewhere should you want. You can also leave a Flip Switch or two behind, but I prefer to leave them in to make sure you can clear the tags from Rogue Trading or Hot Pursuit.

A cheaper decoder would fit well if you struggle with paying for Amina. I toyed around with exchanging White Hat for a Gordian Blade, and was pretty happy with how it worked out.

Starting Hand

Dig deep for Masterwork, that card draw is essential to the game plan. Also keep an early eye out for Citadel, as that helps fuel your economy.

Happy Hunting!!