A bit of NBN as a treat 2-1 & 3rd at Birmingham Startup

Ish 27

I wax poectic about my return to netrunner in my runner list but once again I'd be remiss not shouting out to the Birmingham meta who have been so weloming in my return to the game.

Out of the two decks I brewed and brought I feel like this is the more intresting out of the two list I brought today. At a look it looks like a deck that should not work and I have been told as much by more that one person I've talked about the list too in testing but then after a game I'm on 8 points and the sentance 'Oh this deck **********s' is being said. The core concept of this build came out of the jokey thought that who needs 3 pont agenda's I'll just play all 2's and then....then it just worked. Thanks to NBN and Beales we can get to 4 and then just score the 3 points that we need to win.

And on the topic of wining lets talk about how the deck works. As you can see from a quick look its a fast advance deck looking to win out of a good old fashoned SanSan server. We do this in one of two ways fast or FAST. Fast in this context is just your clasic Seamless Launch bassed fun getting to save a click to keep the pressure up by scoring out a 3/2 all the time or a 4/2 some of the time for a Seamless and a click then jamming something else in the remote is amazing. FAST levels of speed come from NBN staple The Holo Man or shock card Biotic Labor. The first card you where ready for the second you where not but I've found pay 7 score anything in a SanSan remote is just amazing and so explosive in tempo getting to do this from free from Offworld Office is just even sweeter. Two Piranhas a quite hard to get into server makes and with Pings and Virtual Service Agents means that you don't always have to give out that bad pub to worry about later in the game. Other than that I just about finding the windows that you can to just score out the agrendas at quite a lighting fast pace to be honest.

On the day the deck put up two strong showings where it just scored out freely and then one game where I 5 agenadas in had 1 on top of the deck and 2 in arhives with the 2 being already in the runners score area.

Post the event and some talking about the deck I have now made the change of -1 Sudden Commandment and Virtual Service Agent and +2 Enigma as hard end the runs are lacking in the deck.