The Heist

Johnny Polite 387

I brought this deck to two store championships. In the first, I placed top 4 after the cut to top 8, in the second I managed 6th after 5 rounds of swiss, though this deck only lost one game on the day.

It's another Haley-Pawnshop deck, but I don't bother with Technical Writer and Wasteland and things. I try to avoid econ combos with too many pieces. The big thing here is absolutely Bank Job with Aesop's, and it does a lot of work in the current meta (if you install Bank Job for 1 credit, take 7 off it, then sell it to Aesop, you're up 9). If your opening hand has Professional Contacts and Bank Job, then you are in a great position for the rest of the game.

In the first tournament, the 46th card was a Diesel, in the second tournament it was a second Artist Colony. I really like Artist Colony in this deck. The problem this deck has is it takes a bit of time to get rolling, and sometimes you just need to sell an agenda to not lose. That's all right if it means you win in the end! Often I do something like sell an agenda to get a clone chip to bring back Clot, which the Corp doesn't usually expect. Or get an NACH against a kill deck.

At Saturday's tournament (at Carta Magica in Ottawa), it beat a Haarp kill deck (I very quickly got econ from Bank Job to avoid an early midseasons, and once I had my Film Critics out it was no problem), a Blue Sun glacier deck, an RP kill deck (thanks Feedback Filter!), and an HB EtF deck with surprise Snares. Only loss was to an NEH FA deck that was close, I think I was on 4 points but made a misplay that lost me the game. So it goes.

I don't know if it's a particularly great deck, but it's been working well for me. Haley is probably my favourite ID right now, it's just a neat ability.