Jinteki - Come and Get it

Resrick 1

This is my first deck to publish on here and pretty much my first Jinteki...what can I say I'm a noob.

Anyway, here is the idea behind the deck...NO ICE!!!

I have been wanting to try out the Shell Game since reading about it and the concept seemed absolutely absurd to me, but at the same time SUPER FUN! I would just put out as many assets as possible each turn, advancing here and there depending on the situation and of course having the runner screw himself over if he hits the wrong server or if he decides to play safe and only run R&D, scoring all the tasty agenda points the very next turn. The one big problem I could see this deck facing is money. Kinteki generally doesn't have endless funds to play with, but I fill there is even more of a lack of income here because of the reduced operations. I do have some money makers in there that double as funds denial for others if they do trash them due to being higher on the trash cost side, but criminal decks would probably just laugh at my measly 4-5 trash costs and destroy all the servers.

Any advice/criticism/slaps in the face are welcome! Thanks

24 Jun 2014 Brislock

This looks fun to play, but I'm not sure it's a winner. I have an expose heavy deck that would stand a good chance of taking your lunch money.

Have you thought about Plan B? It provides the agenda scoring abilities of Sakai without having to hope the runner doesn't head into the agenda, which they are very likely to do if you are broke.

It seems like the way to make this deck more useful would be to add in some non-ETR ice and just through in some cheap painful stuff like rototurrets, data mines, maybe a Neural Katana or two.

I'd use the Caprices less to protect your agendas (although that's useful too, and if you wanted to go that way an Ash or two would be good) but rather as a way of making the runner think that's the agenda and luring them into a buffed trap.

Which leads me to another question, why no Junebug? Trashing programs is far less useful if there is no ice to break, so cerebral overwriter makes more sense than Aggressive Secretary.

Assets are a lousy way to make money if you can't defend them, trade those diagnostics and campaigns for Royalties and Hedge Funds.

Welcome to the game. I'm a relative noob myself and it's quickly become an obsession.