Untiring Leela

fiveplus5is55 41

Hey guys ,

I am a pretty elusive player who only plays on Jinteki.net. I find Android Netrunner to be an exceptional game and fall in love with it the first time I have played it. I finished at least 2000 games on Jnet over the last 4 years . For the last year or so I have played almost exclusively with runners as I felt it’s more challenging to build a competitive deck with it’s own unique flavor. To me, a minor game flaw has always been the strength of assets in the game. When Spammed and accumulated , they are difficult to handle for the runner. As an avid board game player I always tend to go down the “control” route in games , either via superior economy or board control , which of course is not always the correct strategy.

Ever since the corp started to spam assets out of NEH , Gagarin or RP , I easily became overwhelmed by the the state of the board. I know that great players always find other ways to win the game by smart central runs. Great players don’t get distracted and focus on the most important task at hand, which is winning the game by getting to 7 points before the corp does. They exploit the weakness that come up during the game and use their windows precisely and effectively. That’s not me. I want to decimate their board and be in complete control over the game and just go for the kill when they have absolutely no way to bounce back.

So my runner deck needs answers to all corp variants out there. And i feel that this Leela Build comes pretty close to it.

This deck is of course tailored to my game style. Overall it has an exceptional winrate , but opponents on casual Jnet are on average weaker than the average store championship player and you play less tier 1 meta corp decks. But this deck has persevered the strongest Tier 1 decks currently in the meta .

How to pilot:

Really try to avoid giving early windows for the corp to HHN you. If they threaten with asset spam , don’t worry you will generally catch up later unless they start exceptionally well. You will also catch up to Fast Advance decks, unless of course they also start exceptional well with Atlas Trains .

At one point, the game will shift to your favor . Even your Icebreakers are build to decimate their economy and board state. Corporate “Grant” and Amina can deny the corp 2 credits a turn. And with Bankrolls, Paragon and /or Security Testing installed , certain ice becomes indifferent or too costly to rez for the corp once Ankusa is out and running . I have played Ankusa since they day it got released. I love this icebreaker. Against certain decks who rely on advancing Ice or big barriers it is game changing. Kakugo for instance becomes worthless even without Additional Support through Paragon etc.

Inside Jobs are necessary to threaten the corp when they go to fast, they are also great against SSO Industries: Fueling Innovation . But use them wisely . Algo Trading is great and it’s natural nemesis is hardly played these days. My decks always try to avoid clicking for credits , but to power up Algo Trading it is advisable to click for credits . Even if the corp is on match point and managed to build an impregnable server with an advanced Agenda, you still have outs to literally bounce back via Leela by stealing Agendas from centrals.

Stay calm , observe your prey (Corp ) closely and when the time is Right be ruthless until they surrender (they often do ).