Jinteki - Security Evolved

SpyisSandvich 1

The idea of this deck is to use hard, punishing ICE to protect your main servers, making it so that your opponent cannot run on remote servers without spending a huge amount of resources. Even if they do, traps litter the field, giving the Runner less reason to want to run in the first place.

The deck wants to focus on amassing as much money as possible to get the Janus ice up and running. Additionally ICE such as Chum, Cell Portal, and Whirlpool to make running on the central servers even less desirable and potentially deadly.

Any sort of feedback is welcome, as I'm not very experienced with building Netrunner decks yet, and this is completely conceptual and untested as it is.
12 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

Cereberal overwriters would be a better place to spend INF IMO than AggNeg. If you could find a way to fit in 2 cereberals or just recur the 1 you have appropriately, you will find out how easy it is to ronin someone. No neural EMP makes that a little tougher of a win condition, but install-adv-adv on a CO that they access is lights out on any 4 advanced card (junebug or ronin)...unless they hit ronin correctly. Just a thought.

13 Nov 2013 AsteriskCGY

Granted, the one time I got my Cerebral Overwriter to fire the runner had a Feedback Filter to trash for it. So all traps really YMMV. A Criminal is usually short recursion so frying a stacked Datasucker or their only code gate breaker can be just as deadly, depending on your ice layout at that time.

Neurals might not be that great in this case then. If the goal isn't to flatline but rather place them in a state that they need to recover, then take that time to advance agendas, having both the money and cards to do so is a bigger priority.

13 Nov 2013 Alsciende

@AsteriskCGY it's Aggressive Negotiation, not Aggressive Secretary.