Rookie's Kate's Toolbox - Cloak & Dagger, R&D lockdown, gene

Vaos 68


Remarks :

New : Plascrete carapace rather than Plascrete, that helps free up a bit of influence for stuff like Ice Carver (helps Dagger versus 6 str ICE and lower costs in general) and one more Account Siphon. Also removal of Same Old Thing for one more Account Siphon.

Lots of money to run a "classic" breakers suite, however here I want to try out cloak + dagger to see how it goes. Update : Pretty well, but you need a +1 STR boost (Ice Carver or Personal Touch) to avoid getting annoyed by sentries such as Archer, Flare... That have 6 STR.

Also some R&D potential with Indexing + R&D interface, it's possible that having both is redundant. Update : They are sometimes redundant, but you can assure a R&D lock all the time with that setup.

Draw is done exclusively with Professionals Contacts, it can be interesting to change that to a event based draw, since the deck has a bunch of money already. Update : Professional Contacts is fine within that deck.

Finally, a netshield is around to help with the annoying Jinteki players I face sometimes, as Hosukai Grid + the base Identity gets aggravating.