This boat got hands

Battle_fennec 15

I shamelessly stole @J0N4LD Regicide Ob for the germany's top hosh tourney. I felt like going into the tourney with a deck capable of both killing and scoring out was a fine idea and it paid off. Managed to murder the Hosh in all swiss games. Shame my runner play was absolutely horrid.

The changes I made to the original list:

  • -1 Drudge Work +1 Regolith Mining Licence - I never found flooding that big of a problem with the deck, while running out of credits was. While yes, rego is quite slow for the play style of the deck, it does wonders as an emergency injection of cash before attempting the kill.
  • -1 Rashida Jaheem +1 Angelique Garza Correa - Angelique is a wonderful way to close the game when the runner is hovering on 4 cards feeling safe from Public Trail + End of the Line combo. Installed, she is yet another thing that makes defusing your boardstates more difficult. While losing another Rashida is not great, I quite liked this change.

Thanks @Tradon for organizing the very fun all-Hoshiko tournament. I had a wonderful time!