It Isn't Slavery if They Aren't Human

Handsome Jack 1635

Fast Advance 3 and 4/2s! Use Subliminal Messaging and trash a BWC to score a 3/2, or Biotic a 3/2, or Subliminal BWC and Shipment From Tennin to FA a 4/2! Use taxing ICE and Crisium Grid to deter running. Usually once you score an agenda or two, the runner sees your plan and speeds up the game. Leverage this to your advantage by using a scored Advanced Concept Hopper to draw for Biotics or extra money.

20 Jul 2017 Relenzo

Ah, that's such a clever fast-advance trick. Why didn't I see it?

You have so many cards that rely on the runner not running Shipment from Tennin really that good in this deck? I would have been tempted to save the influence and take a couple Biotic Labors instead.

Also are you using the Assembly Lines to install Work Crew at the end of the Runner's turn or something?