The Oracle May See You Now

wswan 68

I played a deck at my local regionals that had this same conceit and I thought I'd try it out because it seemed fun. Mulligan into an Oracle May if you must and just dig through the deck, tutoring out the three programs. With the amount of events, you should use Oracle to call event every turn and get a card draw and two credits. It's pretty goofy.

2 Jul 2014 Pinkwarrior

Personally id try trading in the pipeline for garrote it saves more money than it uses to install and is well worth the 3 influence finding the influence is the hard part. i've seen this style of deck before tho it was ken it looks like a fun deck idea.

2 Jul 2014 x3r0h0ur

-2 retrun +1 Stimhack +1 garrote

But then I'd like scavenge.

2 Jul 2014 wswan

@Pinkwarrior I had Garrote in when I was playing this and switched it right before I posted to fit in the Lucky Finds. I was having some money issues, which is weird considering the point is to make money every turn.

8 Jul 2014 GPWK

I find that I like your decks more every time Iook at them.

8 Jul 2014 wswan

Definitely choose your own events. It's totally up to style and what you're good with.