Ayla "Bios" Rahim - Terminal Directive Sample Campaign Deck

CascadeHush 61

The sample shaper deck list from the back of the Terminal Directive instructions.

For those who want to start with the suggested deck and make modifications.

NOTE : Subtract 1xUbax, 1xBiometric Spoofing and 1xDean Lister

Netrunnerdb doesn't allow publishing of incomplete deck lists. In order to publish, I had to add 3 more cards. The suggested deck list is 3 cards short to allow for the addition of cards from the first envelope.

I am not recommending this deck for play. It is intended for reference and as a starting point for your own deckbuilding.

The suggested deck breaks the suggested rules for Terminal Directive

1 Core set only contains 2 each of Modded, Magnum Opus and Datasucker. So if you want to actually follow the 1 core set rule, the deck isn't legal anyway.

I have also posted the Steve Cambridge deck and will post the Corp decks if/when I have time. Just search for Terminal Directive.

28 Apr 2017 Narduwel

Why Adept+gordian and not Savant+Corroder?

28 Apr 2017 obscurica

@Narduwel That's something to ask FFG.

28 Apr 2017 CascadeHush

Yeah, these are the decks provided by FFG. In the notes I said that there are there as a starting point for anybody who wants to modify them. Personally I would probably go Gordian, Corroder and Lustig, dropping whatever I need to get the influence for that.

18 Jun 2017 Atum

Hello, I am really new to Android Netrunner and I have played like 5 games with a friend using the 3 Runner decks from the Core Set. Now we want to start the Terminal Detective campaign and I wanted to use the suggested Ayla Deck, because I don't like the Deck of Steve.

Now I'm kinda confused- the suggestion from FFG is 3x Modded, 3x Magnum Opus and 3x Datasucker, but there are only 2 copies in the Core Set like you wrote.

Why FFG is suggesting this, knowing that I have either to buy a 2nd core set or print the missing cards from it in order to use this suggested deck?

Are there any better suggested decks for the campaign, using cards from the core set and terminal directive only?


18 Jun 2017 Atum

@Narduwel because Corroder has 2 Influence and it would cost us 4 influence, while Gordian Blade is from same faction. Sorry if I'm wrong because im really new to this, but imho this is the idea from FFG

18 Jun 2017 obscurica

@Atum Hey, welcome to the hobby. The long and short of it is that FFG's editorial work leaves a bit to be desired. There was an online update to the recommended list in the FAQ, page 3: images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com

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