The Mole

Lanier 2

This is my first built deck, using the core set of Netrunner. I bought it a week ago, love shapers, and wanted to try building a deck around an R&D Dig strategy

18 Jul 2016 DarkMite2

Welcome to the Nets! We all have to start somewhere and I remember how difficult that was with a single Core Set. Before I go any further I would like to say that many / most people have no problem with proxies. I like to photocopy my cards, cut them out, put garbage Magic the Gathering card in a sleeve and place the copy on top of it. (You could also copy & paste the image from here and print it.) This is not a collectable game and FFG really sticks it to us by forcing everyone to buy at least 2 or 3 Core sets to have all the basic cards you really NEED.

Also, IMHO, Shaper is one of the hardest Runner factions to build with a single Core Set. As a matter of fact ALL the resources I suggested are just “filler” cards so that you have a 45 card deck. If you draw & play Aesop's Pawnshop then you can sell them off as needed.

I started to write this long comment / letter about which cards to drop or add. It just became easier to do put the deck together & show it to you –

I hated removing Medium, but I needed the influence for an extra Special Order and extra copies of your ICE Breaker Programs. This way if your programs get trashed it won't be an automatic "Game Over". Crypsis is included as a "back-up" Breaker in case of emergency or if you can't find the program you need fast enough.

I hope it helps & if you have any questions, please ask. =)

This deck I made is untested, but I have played NR for a long time and have won many tournaments & store champ events. =)

GL and have fun! If you are unsure if you want to play NR long term – try out

You can play the game there for free with every card and with other players. =)

19 Jul 2016 Lanier

Thank you for this! I realized that we were not playing the game fully correctly (forgot about the fact that you can purge to remove virus counters) and so Medium was not as unstoppable as I thought. In fact, it's very easily stoppable. So I think removing medium for Special Order is smart.

I understand adding Crypsis to have an AI icebreaker, but it feels so inefficient. Is there a more efficient AI you'd recommend, that comes from an expansion maybe? (We are probably going to buy C&C next, as my partner loves playing HB too.)

But thank you again!

19 Jul 2016 DarkMite2

With Creation & Control you get Atman

It’s a great AI breaker & most people put 4 counters on it. (That’s the most common strength of the popular ICE)

FYI - AI breakers in general are supposed to be inefficient because they can be so versatile.

(If you are going to buy expansions soon, I’d recommend the following 3 first - “What Lies Ahead”, “Opening Moves” and “Creation & Control”)

GL!! =)