At Least it's Fast – 1st @ Pittsburgh Districts

Wikignometry 601

The Deck

This deck went undefeated at Pittsburgh districts.

Corps aren't great right now. This deck is nice because it finishes games in <10 minutes so you can jam 75 games in the couple weeks leading up to a districts. If you lose, at least it's fast.

Number of games on Sports

This is mooncore sports with 2 Biotic Labor over 2 Greasing the Palm because Sokka told me to. The biotic seems very necessary to how I play this deck.

Top table games from the tournament were recorded so you should see 2 games of this deck posted soon.

The Tournament

Thank you to all the people who came to the tournament. It was so lovely to meet all of you.

Shoutout to Jamesmarcus for running the tournament and London for head judging. They did a phenomenal job.

Come to Pittsburgh megacity tournament!