Broccoli Salad - 1st @ Genova GNK 2023

koga 3162

I think this is the list I brought to Genova to play in the GNK, but I'm not 100% sure. There's too many cards and a list wasn't required. Sue me.

Notable includes:

  • Mâché: feels better than Top Hat, as it does something in a bunch of matchups. Can sometimes actually come in pretty handy against the popular Ob lists around now if you let the counters sit there to survive the combo. A quick draw + Boat in many other matchups.

  • Chameleon: not really a Tree card, but a fine Wu card. Still torn between this and Nanuq which allows to repeatedly clear assets from remotes.

  • Equivocation: totally unnecessary, but digging even more with Conduit is fun.

  • Fermenter: not ideal in fast matchups as it risks clogging up MU needed for Mayfly. Should be one of the very first cards you fetch in every other case.

  • 2nd Misdirection: people usually don't expect it but it's pretty free. You can let the first get removed without worries and it's not really dead in matchups where it's worthless.

  • Dreamnet: 0 inf for a card that still acts pretty close to Reaver. Not as comfortable to pull it at the start of the game, but it's fine.

  • Liberated Account: I feel like people are somewhat sleeping on this? It's a great pull if you just need an econ boost, can eat with 4c on it if needed.

  • Reclaim: quick recursion as resource. Also nice to have if you need to switch types for Tree.

  • other tech resources: yea

7 Feb 2023 Baa Ram Wu

Mache - one of the worst/most disappointing cards that I’ve never been close to making work - but I agree that it is probably better than top hat as a ‘hardware tutor that mignt do something’ here!

Nice to see it in a deck that did well. Maybe it just proves how nutty World Tree can be!