Andy's last ride, 1st place NA champs

itsbigfoot 2981

Writeup and memes later

20 Aug 2017 firesa

First of all, congrats.

Secondly, how did you feel playing Daily Casts vs Dirty Laundry. Also, did you feel 2 Pol op was the right number or would 1 be enough in hindsight? Otherwise nothing about the list that raises questions, this is a pretty thing

20 Aug 2017 itsbigfoot

I've been all for switching to dirty laundry for the past couple of months, temu is strong enough for them to remove easy DL targets, so having the stronger economy card is better than the tempo. Polop is super relevant against moons, IG and AGinfusion, but doesn't do much outside of that, the second one is a flex slot for sure and if your meta is on other decks rubicon switch/legwork 2/citadel sanctuary might be better. Keep 1 though

20 Aug 2017 firesa

@itsbigfootno worries, thanks for the indepth reply. Dirty Laundry always felt like a t1 sure gamble for me if I had desperado in my opener but I understand the logic of temu discouraging servers for easy running. I also like your argument re pol op, I'll likely stay at 1 and play around with the second slot. Thanks again

21 Aug 2017 analogBrad

Could you discuss how Aeneas played out for you and how it changed your calculus much on what to trash, etc?

22 Aug 2017 PureFlight

We'll miss you, Andy :'-(

23 Aug 2017 itsbigfoot

i'll cover it more in the writeup but aeneas doesn't really change the math on the must trash stuff, you just use it as an opus/better opus ahead of time or if they leave something harmless out un-iced. it's very important for the moons matchup and basically any other asset spam deck