Nasir Artic Ops

CodeMarvelous 20021

looking for feedback

16 Oct 2014 KevinD

So it seems like you're using your mulligan aggressively for PW and then doing a lot of clicks for draws? It seems like this would benefit a lot from more draw to make it get set up before the Corp wins?

16 Oct 2014 CodeMarvelous

thats great feedback, so what do you we think fixes that?

16 Oct 2014 KevinD

The two obvious options are ProCon and Quality Time, I think quality time is more ideal here since you could use it at 3 credits and go back up to 1 (from OoS) and install to PW to avoid discard.

The question is then what to get rid of, and that's a much harder problem.

16 Oct 2014 Pinkwarrior

I find PW to be a liability specially as Nasir gets tagged so easily i fixed the issue by remove it and switching my focus elsewhere.

16 Oct 2014 CodeMarvelous

i could move away from stealth to make room for more card draw

16 Oct 2014 KevinD

I feel like PW is the heart of the deck, sure getting tagged is really rough but it gives you a way to spend your credits during the run which is extremely powerful for Nasir. Not only that but it gets really crazy with order of Sol. Think about this scenario:

Last click install RDI(4) on PW with 1 credit left Spend that credit on RDI(3), get a credit Corp starts his turn Spend that credit on RDI(2), get a credit Your turn starts, take a token off RDI(1) Spend a credit on RDI to install it and get a credit

16 Oct 2014 Pinkwarrior

@KevinD this is all true and i don't disagree its a powerful card however you first have to get the card which can be a problem to start with then theirs no guarantee you will keep it up long enough to get a use out of it or worse lose all the stuff u put on it.

been able to spend money on the run isn't the only way to go having money that cant be taken away from you in a run is also away to look at nasir the like of ghost runner/cash hardware femme's theirs plenty for that approach as well.

16 Oct 2014 Pinkwarrior

sorry cashe* ... not cash lol that can be taken away.

16 Oct 2014 Exo

What I find hard with Nasir us that you need to draw a lot and install a lot. This remove a lot pressure that you can apply on the corp.

16 Oct 2014 KevinD

Part of me really wants to use Stim in Nasir, maybe Stealth just uses up too much influence right now. Come to think of it, dropping cloak also makes Stim more attractive.